Sunday, July 12, 2009

My child repeated 2nd grade which I had to request.His teacher reccommended it b/c of low math grades.?

She said it would be too difficult for him to go on to 3rd that year.I wish I had not listened to her. She talked to my son about it and he called me from her cell phone from school and he said he decided he would stay back. I thought he was sure but turns out it's been terrible for his self esteem. Worst of all......he is the twin of a gifted student in the GATES program. Anyway, I have a hard time getting him to do homework,etc if I'm not standing on top of him. We've talked and I was wondering if their was any way to get him into 5th grade w/ his brother next year by going to summerschool or something. Please help me. I want to do this for him so badly. Any programs and their phone #'s or websites.

My child repeated 2nd grade which I had to request.His teacher reccommended it b/c of low math grades.?
I am totally on your side. Each flower , even tho they be the same kind, grows and develops at its own rate. The best way would be to pull him out and either home school him or find someone who is homeschooling and is good and experienced at it and eventually get him back to the right grade. Another way would be private school. I am a recently retired elem teacher and holding a child back, unless in preschool does way more damage to the self esteem than being academically behind. Most of the time. email if I can help.
Reply:Request to have him tested to enter 5Th grade and have him tested independently by Sylvan or another learning Center, you might be able to have him tested independently.Anyway it really does not matter , really, children learn differently and have intelligence on many different levels. Because they are twins it gives them their own individuality.My son is like that he is 14 and I home-school him. He doesn't like academics but he can fix your xbox your computer your ipod and anything else if you want to risk it. I like time4learning .com I would suggest home-school he seems like he wants to do things on his own time. Maybe you can try and let him set up a small business, he may surprise you. do a search for kid entrepreneurs and see what comes up.
Reply:The teache should have told you to get him a tutor in the first place. I would not hold a child back because of on subject. Talk to the pricinpal of the school and ask if there is any way you could move him back up with his brother. Tell them the troubles you are having. Tell him you will do this if he promises to study. Good luck.
Reply:make him use his brain and pay atention in class!!!!!!!!!!!

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