Sunday, July 12, 2009

Math question 4 c?

Get your checkerboard and place one grain of wheat on the first square. Then place two grains of wheat on the next square. Then place four grains on the third square. Continue this until all 64 squares are covered with grains of wheat.” As he had just harvested his wheat, Mr. Crane did not consider this much of an award, but he soon realized he made a miscalculation on the amount of wheat involved.

calculate the amount of wheat to fill the whole checkerboard. 64 squares... how much wheat would the farmer give the salesman? provide answer in scientific notation or calculate and show all 20 digits

Thank you

Math question 4 c?
This is actually a famous math problem, its 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
Reply:geometric series

1 +2+4+8+...........

T_1 = a =1

r = T_2/T_1=2/1=2

S_n= a(r^n-1)/(r-1)

S_64 = 1(2^64-1)/(2-1)

=%26gt; 2^64 - 1

=%26gt; 1.844674407 * 10^19

=%26gt; 18,446,744,073,709,551,615

Reply:In fact, the answer is actually 2^63, due to the 1st square just having 1 grain on it, so the actual answer is......

2^63 + 1 = 9.22337203 x 10^18 Grains.

Probably more than any farmer can grow in a lifetime!!!!

And tell your teacher this aswell, as they should know that this is in fact the correct answer.

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