Sunday, July 12, 2009

If you're a B and C student in math and you're going to take math analysis or pre calculus how hard will it b

Being a B or C student has nothing to do with how well you will perform in the next course. How hard it will be depends on 3 things--how much time are you willing to put into learning the subject, the amount of material covered in the course, and the ability of your instructor. If you feel that something other than your effort is lacking during the course, there are numerous study aids that can give a better explanation. Personally, I recommend Schaum's outlines--they work for nearly any technical subject and you can get them for about $17 at Barnes and Noble.

The bottom line is don't fear the course. It's not highly theoretical, and it is a proven fact that mathematical knowledge translates into bigger salaries and job satisfaction. Put the time in to understand it and math becomes your slave, not the other way around.

If you're a B and C student in math and you're going to take math analysis or pre calculus how hard will it b
What the first answerer said, but one more thing.

The kind of work you put in may matter. It's impossible to NOT learn math if you do lots and lots and lots of problems.

So what you need is somebody to coach you through them, until you can do bigger and bigger chunks of the problem yourself, and eventually do them completely on your own.

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