Tuesday, July 14, 2009

C++ program how to check a math problem?

The part of my program I am working on is supposed to give the user random multiplication problems, the user gives an answer, then the program says correct or incorrect. 2 Questions

1. How do I check to get the real answer?

2. If it is incorrect I have to let them retry the same problem up to 3 times. Since I am using a random # generator in a separate function I don't know how to make the exact same problem keep coming up.

This is what I have so far but I get an error

non-lvalue in assignment

what does this mean?



num1=randIntBetween(minNum, maxNum);

num2=randIntBetween(2, maxNum);



num1 * num2 = trueAnswer;

if (stuAnswer == trueAnswer)




C++ program how to check a math problem?
First, change num1 * num2 = trueAnswer;


trueAnswer = num1 * num2;

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